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FFLOCATR - Far-field plume locator

Do you have field data available and want to reconcile CORMIX far-field plume predictions with dye study data? If you have downstream cross-section data available, this tool will allow you to plot variation of plume width prediciton with downstream distance, using the cumulative discharge method. See for yourself how FFLOCATR can make the job of model validation easier than ever.

Please review the CORMIX Feature Comparison table for CORMIX v12.0 versions, to check for FFL availability - VIEW

CORMIX Far-Field Plume Locator

Although the main emphasis of CORMIX is on the near-field mixing behavior of discharges it can also be used for providing plume predictions at larger distances in the far-field provided the flow is not highly irregular with pronounced re-circulating zones and eddies in the ambient flow.

The FFLOCATR is a simple method for interpreting the schematized CORMIX far-field plumes within the actual flow patterns in natural rivers and estuaries. This procedure, based on the cumulative discharge method.

The FFLOCATR far-field plume locator for mixing zone analysis in bounded environments such as estuaries and rivers.

Cumulative Discharge Method in FFL
Illustration of the cumulative discharge method for translating the CORMIX predicted far-field plume to the actual flow characteristics in winding irregular rivers or estuaries.