CORMIX is a USEPA-supported mixing zone model
and decision support system for environmental impact assessment of regulatory mixing
zones resulting from continuous point source discharges.
The system emphasizes the role of boundary interaction to predict steady-state
mixing behavior and plume geometry.
CORMIX consists of a series of software systems for the analysis, prediction, and design of discharges into watercourses
or the atmosphere, with emphasis on steady-state values for the geometry and dilution characteristics
of the mixing zone.
The CORMIX methodology contains systems to model
single-port, multiport diffuser discharges and
surface discharge sources.
Effluents considered may be conservative, non-conservative, heated, brine discharges or
contain suspended sediments.
Advanced information systems
provide documented water quality modeling, NPDES
regulatory decision support, visualization of regulatory
mixing zones, and tools for outfall specification and design.
MixZon Inc is the primary contact for CORMIX information, licensing, sales
and technical support.
CORMIX software is licensed and distributed solely
by MixZon Inc